Advanced Volleyball
(Fall 2024)
Thank you for your interest in Halifax PLAYS Advanced Volleyball (Fall 2024)! – No Availability
The SPIRIT: This volleyball program is labeled advanced and is open to any & all who are interested in this level of play which is ideal for players with experience and good understanding of proper volleyball positions and formation (being able to quickly strategize to play 5-1, 6-2 or other game rotations). The play is competitive, but the spirit is friendly and fun!
FORMAT: We’ll be adopting “pairs” team format and making 8 pairs (2 people in each pair). There will be 8 sets of game each week with 12 mins game time for each set (3 mins for quick break and team pairs reshuffle). Each game set will be 3 pairs vs. 3 pairs with the other 2 pairs sitting out to act as guest refs to officiate and keep score. Team pairs for each set will be reshuffled after each game set.
LOCATION: Dartmouth Sportsplex (110 Wyse Road, Dartmouth)
DATES/TIMES: Tuesdays @ 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. The game set schedule will tell you which time slot of game set you’ll be playing in each week. T
WHO CAN PLAY?: Players of all ages (19+) and genders! This league is designed towards experienced players with good understanding of proper positions and formation (being able to quickly strategize to play 5-1, 6-2 or other game rotations), but the intended spirit is very much fun-first.
COST: Registration fee of $
HOW TEAMS WORK: We will help create them, with an emphasis on mixing things up & ensuring there is decent parity in skill levels. With that being said, players will still have the option to name a friend they want to form the pair with, we will take the request into consideration and try to accommodate to the best we can.
COVID Rules: Please visit
COVID-19 means that rules are fluid and subject to change. We are currently finalizing a detailed return-to-play plan specific to each program & consistent with provincial guidance, the latest version of which can be found @
See you all on the court! 🙂
COVID-19 means that rules are fluid and subject to change. We are currently finalizing a detailed return-to-play plan specific to each program & consistent with provincial guidelines (listed here), the latest version of which can be found @